Book Cheap Flights from Edinburgh

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The Skyscanner search allows you to find the cheapest deals, without entering specific dates, destinations or departure points.

Where can I fly to from Edinburgh Airport?

Edinburgh Airport may be small but it still serves a great number of locations.

Find out our favourites of these mostly European destinations below!

Edinburgh Airport flight destinations

Book Cheap Flights from Edinburgh

We've partnered up with Skyscanner so you can compare flights from different airlines in order to get the best deal for your trip.

Use the search form below to find cheap flights!

Book cheap flightss at Edinburgh Airport


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Using Skyscanner's search form below you can input your destination and dates or leave the destination blank if you haven't decided where you want to go yet. Skyscanner then searches all available deals so you can pick the best one!

Inspire Me!

Our pick of popular destinations from Edinburgh Airport.

Most popular destinations from Edinburgh Airport

What's the best way to book a package deal from Edinburgh Airport?

  • Keep Your Eyes Peeled - Great deals can be found by either booking late or grabbing a special offer and booking early.
  • Be Flexible - We know this isn't always possible but the more flexible you are - for example, not flying during school holidays or not flying on a Friday - the cheaper the deals are.
  • Shop Around - That package deal may look great at first glance, but utilise comparison sites and travel websites to see if you can 'DIY' something similar for cheaper.
  • Amendments and Cancellations - Make sure whatever deal you have booked is flexible. Or, if you must lock in, check the terms of your travel insurance so you don't risk being out of pocket if you've got to change your plans.

Extra costs to consider when booking cheap flights from Edinburgh

Extra costs of hold luggage

Before you book your flight, make sure you check the costs of taking hold luggage on board. Some airlines charge astronomical prices to put a bag in the hold. Similarly, check their hand luggage restrictions as these can also catch you out.

If you or someone else makes a mistake and puts the wrong name on your ticket, some of the costs to amend this are sky-high. In fact, in some cases it was more expensive to change the name on the ticket than it was to change the actual name by deed poll. So double and triple check those fields before you click buy.

Changing names on tickets can incur extra costs
costs of children flying alone

If you're looking at flights for someone who is under the age of 16, you may find that there is an additional charge if they are flying alone. Different airlines class different ages as an adult. Some will have an accompanying service you can pay for, and others won't allow them to fly at all.